The Best Places to Visit in Cusco and Acclimatize Yourself

Do you know what are the ideal places to visit in the city of Cusco? Here you will find all the information you need to know. The most detailed and valuable information about acclimatization in Cusco, ensuring that your trip will be unforgettable and free of complications. Learn the secrets to properly adapt to the altitude. Discover the best places that this magical city has to offer.

The Best Season to Visit Cusco

Acclimatization in Cusco is essential, especially during the dry season, which is from April to October. During these months, the sky is usually clear, the sun shines brightly and temperatures vary between 25°C during the day and 0°C in the early morning. These conditions are perfect for the Inca Trail Tour and visiting the wonder of Machu Picchu.

Emblematic Places to Acclimatize in Cusco

1. Cusco’s Plaza de Armas: A Historic Meeting Point

Places to Visit in Cusco and Acclimatize Yourself

The Plaza de Armas, known as “Aucaypata” or “Huacaypata” in ancient times, stands as the historical epicenter of Cusco. This space, formerly a swamp transformed by the Incas, became the site of administrative and sacred meetings. Although historians disagree about its original name, the plaza continues to bear witness to Cusco’s cultural richness. Today, surrounded by temples that are transformed into museums outside of ceremonial hours, the Plaza de Armas mingles with the vitality of tourist restaurants, jewelry stores and stores, creating a vibrant environment full of history.

2. Cusco Cathedral: Architectural Jewel of Latin America

Places to Visit in Cusco and Acclimatize Yourself

Built between 1560 and 1664 with blocks of red stone transported from Sacsayhuaman, the Cusco Cathedral stands out as one of the most significant monuments in Latin America. Its architecture fuses Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance styles, making it a National Cultural Heritage. This monumental structure of rectangular plan is divided into three naves: Epistle, Gospel and Central. Its 14 cruciform pillars give shape to the 24 ribbed vaults, creating an architectural masterpiece. The Temple of El Triunfo, an integral part of the cathedral, resonates with the Spanish victory over Manco Inca in 1536.

3. Temple of El Triunfo: Witness to Victory

Places to Visit in Cusco and Acclimatize Yourself

Built in 1539 and inaugurated in 1668, the Temple of El Triunfo stands in the cathedral itself, recalling the victory of the Spaniards. Its Greek cross structure, the central dome supported by four cruciform pillars. The careful elaboration with andesite stone narrates a history of triumph and devotion.

4. The Company of Jesus: Baroque and Gold in the Main Square

Places to Visit in Cusco and Acclimatize Yourself

Built over the Amarucancha, Huayna Capac’s palace, the Compañía de Jesús dazzles with its baroque style. Located in the Plaza de Armas, this church stands out for its main façade and a high altar gilded with gold flakes. In spite of the damages suffered during the earthquake of 1950, the building today houses the Society of Artisans of Cusco. It also serves as an exhibition hall, keeping alive its history and splendor.

5. Temple of Qoricancha: Elegance and Spirituality

Temple of Qoricancha

Known as the Golden Temple, the Qoricancha stood as the main religious center during the Tawantinsuyo. Built with finely carved stones, its architectural precision rivals even the walls of Machu Picchu. Although the Spanish invasion left its mark, the Qoricancha remains a testament to its splendor.

Qoricancha’s Emblematic Enclosures:

  • Rainbow Enclosure: Formerly covered with gold, this enclosure represents the shape of a rainbow, a star worshipped in the Inca era.
  • Temple of the Sun: Main center of worship to God Inti, covered with gold and precious metals during the Inca era.
  • Enclosure of Lightning, Thunder and Lightning: With three doors, it symbolizes the tripartite worship of lightning, thunder and lightning.
  • Temple of the Stars: Place of animal sacrifices and worship to the stars, this enclosure completes the spiritual experience at Qoricancha.

6. San Pedro Market


The vibrant San Pedro Market is a feast for the senses. With fruit stalls, local produce and traditional food, it is an ideal place to experience authentic Cusco culture.

7. San Blas Viewpoint

Head up to the Mirador de San Blas for a panoramic view of Cusco. This picturesque neighborhood, known for its narrow cobblestone streets and local artists, offers a unique experience.

Important Recommendations

Visiting Hours:

  • Plaza de Armas: Every day, flexible schedules.
  • Cathedral: Consult the Tourist Ticket for access.
  • Compañía de Jesús: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 11:45 am and 1:00 pm to 5:45 pm.
  • Temple of Qoricancha: Daily schedule, with masses at 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
  • San Pedro Market: Regular market hours.
  • Mirador de San Blas: Available all day.

These emblematic places in Cusco provide an acclimatization experience. In addition, they immerse you in the historical and cultural richness of the city. From the majesty of the Cathedral to the spirituality of the Qoricancha, each corner reveals a fascinating chapter of Peruvian history.

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